Yes, inGenious Grid allows the effective management of dispersed prosumers in a unified system within the user’s local microgrid or across the wider distribution and transmission network. By aggregating measurement data, prosumer availability, and predefined network constraints, inGenious Grid automatically adapts available resources, energy storage units, and loads. In doing so, it meets constraints imposed by market supply and demand principles. VPP works like an automated flexibility market that connects flexibility providers and buyers based on automated offers and requests.
inGenious Grid can connect all types of consumers—residential, commercial, and industrial—as well as individual installations like power plants and storage units that tie directly into the grid. The most suitable candidates are electrified processes which can act as storage for electric, thermal, or other energy, capable of reducing power consumption or temporarily halting operations, such as EV charging stations or heat pumps, or entire sites managed at a lower level by inGenious Flex. inGenious Grid automatically assesses potential flexibility that a user can offer based on reported and projected data. It is important that all users understand the impact of demand response on their activities and are willing to exchange some of their otherwise unused flexibility for cost savings.
Yes, inGenious Grid can leverage the flexibility of its prosumers to provide ancillary services, including secondary reserve (automatic frequency restoration, aFRR) and tertiary reserve (manual frequency restoration, mFRR). Flexibility offers from prosumers able to adjust power factor (e.g., battery inverters) can include both apparent power and power factor. This means the reactive power of these prosumers can serve as a flexible resource for frequency regulation services.
Each user can take control over their own consumption at any time, unless contractually stated otherwise. Users may be financially compensated within the system for providing flexibility, which is an effective incentive. If a user proves unreliable as a flexibility provider, the system recognizes and records their reliability status. Users with low reliability are ranked lower in subsequent auctions, while highly reliable users can be additionally rewarded.
The rebound effect occurs when users consume additional energy after adaptation due to timing adjustments in their consumption. This rebound effect is described in each flexibility offer and is taken into account when automatically scheduling consumption. inGenious Grid ensures that a prosumer does not exceed a predefined consumption threshold and that all users collectively (the entire community managed by inGenious Grid) do not surpass the limit set by the distributor.
inGenious Grid is designed for easy integration with various IT systems, enabling data exchange through API/RESTful technology and other web services. Support for bidirectional connections via MQTT brokers further extends integration possibilities, allowing systems to communicate and operate in sync. This open approach ensures that inGenious Grid can function as a central energy management system, seamlessly interfacing with existing business, production, and energy systems to improve efficiency and enhance interoperability and maintenance.