Preskoči na vsebino

Final Assembly


Automatic or semiautomatic lines come equipped with advanced AI vision systems for component positioning and tolerance measurement. Wherever those are impractical, digital contact sensors can perform high-accuracy measurements of thickness, flatness, and parallelism. Servo-controlled presses handle delicate press operations, guided by force sensors for even distribution.

These lines are modular by design, allowing for easy adaptability and future upgrades. They also feature energy consumption measurements for both air and electricity, providing valuable data for optimizing operational efficiency. Integrated with MES systems, the lines offer streamlined operation and quality control.


Final Assembly
Nalagam animacijo...
1Display & backlight loading
1.1Robot pick and place
1.2Placement verification
2Surface activation
2.1Plasma treatment
3Display assembly
3.1Gap filler dispensing
3.2Robot pick and place
4PCB assembly
4.1Tray feeding mechanism
4.2Robot pick and place
4.3Robotic screwdriving
5Camera Assembly
5.1Tray feeding mechanism
5.2Robot pick and place
6Back cover assembly
6.1Tray feeding mechanism
6.2Robot pick and place
6.3Robotic screwdriving
7End of line test
7.1Product contacting

Functionality test

To ensure that only good parts are passed forward, various functionality tests are performed at the end of line. All test results and measurements are reported to the information system for 100% traceability.


End of line calibration

At end of line the products are calibrated to ensure the highest quality. The biggest challenge for the display calibration is white point calibration.


Manual test

If required, a manual test station can be positioned at the end of line. The product is contacted and powered up with specially designed images for the operator to determine any potential errors following a strict set of criteria.


Protection foil placement

After detailed product testing, protection foil for display and other critical cosmetic components is placed on the product to avoid any potential damage during the transportation and final product installation.

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    Vaše osebne podatke bo INEA d.o.o., Stegne 11, Ljubljana, na podlagi zakonitega interesa (komuniciranje s strankami in javnostjo, (točka f 1. odstavka 6. člena GDPR) obdelovala za namen odgovora na vaše vprašanje oz. poizvedbo. Vaše osebne podatke bomo hranili do zaključka naše komunikacije, nato jih bomo izbrisali. Če ste nam dali privolitev (točka a 1. odstavka 6. člena GDPR), da želite prejemati vam prilagojene e-novice in ponudbe, bomo predvidevanja o vaših zanimanjih obdelovali na podlagi vaše uporabe naših storitev (nakupi, povpraševanja), do vašega preklica. Od prejemanja e-sporočil se lahko kadarkoli odjavite s klikom na povezavo v prejetem sporočilu. Več o obdelavi osebnih podatkov si lahko preberete v Politiki zasebnosti.