Horizon 2020: GOFLEX – Generalized Operational FLEXibility for Integrating Renewables in the Distribution Grid
(Nov 2016 – Feb 2020)
(Nov 2016 – Feb 2020)
GOFLEX is an H2020 IA project (LCE-02-2016 call, 2016-2019) with an overall objective to further develop, innovate, integrate, and demonstrate an integrated solution that will significantly contribute to the cost effective use of demand response in distribution grids and in-crease the available flexibility of loads/generation to be included in demand response schemes.
Key objectives are:
The GOFLEX Integrated system prototype will be demonstrated in real environments for different use cases in three locations: Cyprus, Switzerland and Germany. Inea is a technical coordinator of the whole project, providing also the core technology for flexibility trading.
Read more about the project on the official project website: goflex-project.eu, or here: goflex-community.eu
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 731232.
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